Anime Vanguards Wiki
Anime Vanguards Wiki


The Banner is an area in the lobby where players can obtain Units to support them in completing Challenges, Story Mode and etc. It is located straight ahead where the players spawn.


Each summon from the Special Banner will cost 5050Gems (4040Gems with the VIP Gamepass). This Banner has "Higher" Mythic rates along with new units. Every hour the Banner will refresh the mythical Units with a new set of mythic units. Mythical units cannot be predicted in the banner, as its contents are entirely randomized.[1]


Special Banner

Three MythicalMythical units will be featured every banner, The featured mythic units in the banner will have a higher chance to summon, The center mythic has a 43.4% chance of pulling and the two units by the side have a 17.3% chance to pulling. Players still have a chance to pull unfeatured MythicalMythical units in the current banner, though it is only a 21% chance to pull any one of the unfeatured MythicalMythical units.

The Special Banner has a MythicalMythical Pity (400) and a LegendaryLegendary Pity (50).

Summon Chances

  • RareRare 75.496% chance to pull a unit in this rarity.
  • EpicEpic 20% chance to pull a unit in this rarity.
  • LegendaryLegendary 4% chance to pull a unit in this rarity.
  • MythicalMythical 0.5% chance to pull a unit in this rarity.
  • SecretSecret 0.004% chance to pull a unit in this rarity.
  • Shinies 1.5% chance to get on a unit (3% with Shiny Hunter).

Shinies are only available to some EpicEpic, some LegendaryLegendary, all MythicalMythical, all SecretSecret, and all VanguardVanguard units.

SecretSecret units and Shinies are only available when the player has reached Level 10.

The Shiny Hunter Gamepass bypasses the requirement to be Level 10 to get a shiny.

Lucky Boosts

Purchasing Super Lucky or Ultra Lucky will significantly increase the chances of pulling a MythicalMythical or a LegendaryLegendary unit, they do NOT increase the chances of pulling a SecretSecret or VanguardVanguard unit.[2]
Luck Boosts

Super Lucky! and Ultra Lucky! boosts

The effects of both Luck Boosts have a duration of one hour.

These Luck Boosts will NOT reduce the pity, meaning if you bought Ultra Lucky you are not guaranteed to summon a mythic in under 400 summons.

Super Lucky & Ultra Lucky boosts will stack meaning that if you bought both of the boosts you will get a 62.5% luck boost on summons.


  • Summoning is the term used in many other RNG-based rolling systems.