Winter (3.0) - Jan 19 2025
New Features
- 12 New Units:
- Found in the Winter Banner, Portals Gamemode, Battle Pass, and Leaderboard rewards:
- Emmie (Ice Witch), Rom and Ran (Fanatic), Foboko (Hellish), Karem (Chilled), Rogita (Super 4), Soburo (Contract), Regnaw (Rage), Dodara (Explosive), Sosora (Puppeteer), Seban, Rodock, Giyu
- Found in the Winter Banner, Portals Gamemode, Battle Pass, and Leaderboard rewards:
- New Gamemodes:
- Portals:
- Progress through tiers in a new, unique mechanics-based mode.
- Rewards include 3 new Familiars (Doggo, Sebamon, Padoru), 2 Secret Portal Units, Winter Currency, and Gift Boxes.
- Winter units & winter skins boost team damage and currency yields.
- Sandbox Mode:
- Experiment freely: spawn enemies, use unlimited money, and test any units/stats.
- Portals:
- Boss Event Rerun:
- Igros returns; Boss Events now cycle weekly. Sukono is next.
- Lobby & UI Improvements:
- Redesigned Lobby: Larger, with customizable Day/Night cycle.
- Revamped Lobby UI: Stage Selection now cleaner.
- Unit Manager updates: Improved upgrade/sell buttons.
- New In-Game Update Logs: Quick overview of changes.
- Unit XP Fusing:
- Fuse unwanted units to power up others, similar to using XP items.
- Winter Banner & Currency:
- Collect Winter Currency through portals and events for:
- 1 New Vanguard Unit
- 3 New Secret Skins
- 4 New Exclusive Units
- 4 New Mythic Skins
- 3 New Legendary Skins
- 1 New Epic Skin
- 1 New Rare Skin
- Spend currency on portals, evolution items, a frosty mount, Trait Rerolls, and more.
- Collect Winter Currency through portals and events for:
- Leaderboard Updates:
- Old leaderboard units now unobtainable; 2 brand-new Exclusive units available.
- New Worldlines Leaderboard for climbing floors.
- Compete for top spots and exclusive rewards.
- Battle Pass Reset:
- New rewards: Gems, Rerolls, and 2 Exclusive units.
- Tournament Titles:
- Top 1 gets “Tournament Champion,” Top 2-5 get “Tournament Contender.”
- Collection & Enemy Index Milestones:
- Unlock special rewards (e.g., Trait Rerolls) by filling unit and enemy indexes.
- Trophy Exchange Shop:
- Use trophies to buy Emotes and more.
- Spectate Mode Options:
- Choose Default, First-Person, Third-Person, or Top-Down while spectating.
- Health Stocks System:
- Base HP replaced by 3 stocks each stage; 1 stock lost per enemy reaching base.
- Bosses remove all stocks upon reaching base.
- Hidden Gateway:
- Use the mysterious Portal item (Floor 50 Worldlines reward) to uncover a secret challenge.
- New Unit Filters:
- Filter by damage, SPA, and range stat tiers.
Changes & QoL
- Custom summon animations now play when viewing certain units.
- Evolution quests appear in a dedicated tab.
- Smoother unit placement movement.
- Added world markers in lobby for quick teleporting.
- Auto Ability triggers only when the ability is ready again.
- Normalizing NPC changed to Valentine.
- Item tooltips have improved animations & camera parallax.
- Winter Currency added to AFK Chamber.
- Search bars added to Familiars and Skins windows.
- Improved Trait Index UI.
- Units highlight enemies they are attacking.
- New “Favorite” feature to mark key units at the top of the UI.
- 3 additional unit storage expansions (6 total).
- 3 more team slots for a total of 8 teams.
- Rarity gradients updated; new loading circle; new Roblox chat service.
- Item frames in inventory now sorted by rarity.
- Item hover frames no longer cut off.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Ishtar (Divinity) not receiving her passive range buff.
- Corrected Haruka Rin’s animation speed on upgrade.
- Addressed exploit allowing team swaps with tournament start money.
- Highest infinite round now updates correctly in profile.
- Medusa’s ability cursor fix on console.
- Resolved ability timer negatives for certain abilities.
- Fixed low-quality icons on Battle Pass leveled-up UI.
- Prevented background cutoff on leveled-up screen.
- Fixed multiline unit names clipping in unit inventory UI.
- Corrected Money Earned text offset.
- Fate Mount now appears in matches.
- Fixed occasional incorrect map loading in Worldlines.
- Restored repulse enemy interactions in Golden Castle stage.
- Stage info UI now shows correct item/currency amounts.
- JoJo Stand cosmetics fixed after rejoin.
- Fixed Steel Ball Run Acts 4-5 spawning players on wrong side.
- Keybind issues in main game console resolved.
- Leaderboard UI stage selection replaced with a scrolling frame.
- Performance optimizations for late-game runs.
- …and many more fixes!
Fate (2.0) - Dec 24 2024
- New Mode: Worldlines
- Worlds Collide: 50 floors with increasing rewards; exclusive top-tier item upon completion.
- Infinite Convergence: Endless rooms with leaderboard rewards.
- New Weather System: Unique effects and mechanics on each floor.
New Content
- Story: Underground Church.
- Legend Stage: Golden Castle.
- 7 New Units with Evolutions: Archer, Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh, Ishtar (Limited), Medea, Medusa, Saber.
New Items
- Craftables: Super Lucky Potion, Avalon, Blade of Death, and more.
- Reworked Maps: Planet Namak updated with enhanced visuals and paths.
- Command Seal Shop: Buy items using Command Seals from Underground Church or Golden Castle.
- Legacy Event Shop: Access exclusive boss-event items using Legacy Coins.
New Features
- Essence Stone Dismantling: Break higher-tier stones into lower-tier equivalents.
- Unit Normalizing: Remove shiny effects for Trait Rerolls.
- Level Milestones: Expanded to Level 150.
- Achievements: Underground Church-specific challenges with rewards, including the Vimana mount.
- New Bundles: Gems, Trait Rerolls, Command Seals, and more.
- Weekend Boosts: 2x Player XP and Challenge Rewards (Fri-Sun).
- Infinite Quests: 9 daily quests with gem and Trait Reroll rewards.
- Quick Place Units: Hold Shift for faster unit placement.
- Essence Stones: Inventory limits increased.
- Summon Banner: Improved chances for featured units.
- Infinite Mode:
- Earn gold every 10 waves (up to 100k/day).
- No cap on gem rewards; scaling with waves.
- Boss kills now grant XP.
- Gold Shop: Added Magic Pendant and Transfigured Soul.
- Player XP: More XP from boss kills and infinite mode.
- Enhanced UI: Unit abilities, evolution progress, crafting details, and item notifications.
- Miscellaneous: Visual updates, improved item frames, battle pass indicators, and bug fixes.
Steel Ball Run (1.75) - Dec 8 2024
- New Units:
- Johnni (Mythic)
- Giro (Mythic)
- Valentine (Mythic)
- Diogo (Exclusive)
- New Raid: Steel Ball Run with a dedicated Raid Shop.
- Ability Selector: Customize unit abilities.
- Console Support: Expanded platform compatibility.
- New Unit Quest:
- Unlock after completing Act 5 of the Steel Ball Run Raid.
- Collect Holy Corpse Parts to evolve Valentine.
- Raid Rework:
- Now features 5 Acts.
- Act 5 offers 5 daily attempts with higher drop rates for exclusive units.
- Increased raid currency rewards.
- Stackable Fortune Catalysts for seamless use during raids.
- Elemental strengths and weaknesses now clearly displayed with +/−.
- Unit DPS visible in the upgrade interface.
- Double-click to spectate other players' units.
- Stage selection highlights damage-boosted units.
- Notifications for new stage or raid unlocks.
- Improved UI:
- Health bar effects.
- Unit placement indicators.
- Item descriptions and animations.
- Enhanced performance and bug fixes.
Dandadan (1.5) - Nov 22 2024
- Occult Event:
- Occult Dungeon with Talismans mechanic and Spirit Wisp.
- New Modifiers:
- Starting: No Trait No Problem, Warding off Evil, Fisticuffs, Money Surge, King’s Burden.
- Additive: Champions, Strong (III-V), Speed (II-III), Dodge (III-V), Damage (I-II), Cooldown (I-II), Range (I-II), Slayer (I-II).
- Unique: Press It, Precise Attack, Planning Ahead, Harvest, Common Loot, Uncommon Loot.
- Occult Shop and Occult Banner.
- New Bundles.
- New Units:
- Divalo (Vanguard), Saiko (Exclusive), Okorun (Exclusive), Pweeny (Exclusive), Mimi (Exclusive).
- Skins System:
- Customize unit appearances with "Skins" available from the Occult Banner.
- Featured Skins: Igros (Infernal Paladin), Haruka Rin (Miku), Chaso (Vampire), Jag-o (Bling), Todu (School Girl), Tengon (Pirate), Grim Wow (Cacoa), Nazuka (Dress), Goi (Suit), Kinnua (Suit).
- Skins accessible in the units window; some offer event-specific damage boosts or cosmetics for your character.
- Unit Familiars:
- Companion system providing buffs, obtainable during the Occult Event.
- New Profile Banners:
- Animated profile banners, including a moving cat 🐱.
- Match Restarting:
- Restart matches via the settings window.
- Includes a voting system for multiplayer matches.
- Interface animations added to lobby windows.
- Gold purchase options now visible in the merchant and evolve windows.
- Cosmetic management streamlined: equipping a new cosmetic auto-unequips the active one.
- Passive and benefit descriptions highlighted in Evolve and Ascension previews.
- Notifications for newly unlocked units in the unit index after summoning.
- Endscreen interface changes color based on win/loss outcome.
- Collection window reopens after viewing a unit.
- Minor performance optimizations and general bug fixes.
Sukuna Boss Rush (1.1) - Nov 9 2024
- New Unit: Sukono.
- Boss Events:
- Sukono (King of Curses) Boss Event.
- Igros (Blood-Red Commander) Boss Event Rerun.
- New Mount: Panda.
- Boss Break Gauge:
- Introduced in the Sukono Boss Event.
- Features buffs like status immunities for bosses with active break gauges.
- Damaging the boss reduces the break bar, removing buffs and stunning the boss upon breaking.
- New Achievements:
- Added with new gameplay objectives.
- Infinite Leaderboard Rewards:
- Rewards based on the first leaderboard reset, not current standings.
- Dialogue Frame: NPC dialogue redesigned for more character.
- Unit Priorities:
- Dropdown menu for easy selection of priorities.
- New priorities added: Bosses and Farthest.
- Priority changes also accessible in Unit Manager.
- Unit Filters:
- Filter units by elements, Shiny, or Evolved status.
- Summon Interface: Hover over units to view stats.
- Evolve Interface:
- Switch between Materials and Other requirements.
- Other includes Takedowns, Gold, and Special Conditions.
- Feed Interface:
- Now stays open alongside other interfaces.
- Allows unit frame switching and bulk feeding.
- Displays total experience being fed.
- General Improvements:
- Keybind interface and placement animations improved.
- Timers added for daily rewards and gold shop restocks.
- NPC models highlighted for unclaimed rewards.
- Animated mount models in inventory.
- Properly lighting filter buttons in various windows.
- Ascension stars hidden for unascendable units.
- Stage info interface shows unit damage bonuses.
- Max wave counter added to wave display.
- Act bosses displayed on stage start interface.
- Igros Boss Event:
- Scaling adjusted for the new level cap (60).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed "nil" currency counter in boss event interface.
- Corrected stage info display issues for Boss Events.
- Resolved unit achievement tracking issues.
Jujutsu Kaisen (1.0) - Oct 20 2024
- New Content:
- New Story: Shibuya Station.
- New Legend Stage: Shibuya Massacre.
- New Units:
- Nazuka (Epic), Inamuki (Legendary), Nobaba (Legendary), Todu (Mythic), Chaso (Mythic), Gujo (Mythic), Jag-o (Mythic), Itaduri…? (Mythic), Tuji (Exclusive), Julias (Exclusive - Battle Pass), Mechamar (Exclusive - Tournament), Mohato (Exclusive - Tournament), Legendary Super Brolzi (Exclusive - Leaderboard).
- New Features:
- Unit Abilities: Unique abilities like buff cycling and unit switching.
- Unit Elements: Element-specific buffs and weaknesses.
- Elements:
- Fire: Immune to Snare.
- Water: Immune to SPA debuffs.
- Nature: Immune to RNG debuffs.
- Spark: Immune to DMG debuffs.
- Holy: Reduces debuff duration by 10%.
- Curse: DMG +5% against bosses.
- Unbound: Increases Crit Rate by 5%.
- Blast: Ignores 10% of enemy DMG reduction.
- Cosmic: DMG +10% on placement.
- Passion: Increases dodge chance by 10%.
- Elements:
- New Systems and Mechanics:
- Tournaments: Weekly challenges with exclusive rewards, alternating maps and mechanics.
- Cursed Shop: Exchange Cursed Fingers (rare Infinite Mode drops) for rewards.
- Gold Merchant: Daily stock of items like Essence Stones, Stat Chips, and Unit EXP food.
- Stat Index: View stat tier limits for unit attributes.
- Stat Transfers: Transfer stats between units at the cost of resetting the host unit.
- Refurbished Enemy Index: Enhanced enemy information with detailed stats and mechanics.
- Unit-Specific Achievements: Complete quests for resources and banners. Some quests are required for future evolutions.
- Unit Inventory Expansion: Purchase extra slots (up to 3 times) for gold.
- New Rewards:
- Battle Pass: Ice & Fire, featuring new units.
- Profile Banners: Customize profiles with new banners.
- Achievements: Added multiple new quests and a button to switch between normal and unit-specific achievements.
- Level Cap: Increased from 50 to 60.
- Damage Typing: Replaced Physical and Magic with element-based damage visuals.
- Paragon Mode:
- New starting and additive cards with revised scaling.
- Reward buffs for cleared levels (Gold, Gems, Stat Chips, Trait Rerolls).
- Leaderboards: Revamped interface with detailed views and seasonal rewards.
- Unit Evolution: Stat tiers increase upon evolution.
- Challenge Changes: Rainbow Stat Chip replaced with Super Stat Chip rewards.
- Search and Interface:
- Improved fuzzy search for UI item searches.
- Unit Teams: Name teams and view unit stats via hover.
- Tooltips: Enhanced details for items, abilities, and currencies.
- Quests Interface: Improved layout and added reset timers.
- Unit Manager:
- Hover highlights for units and a "Sell All" button.
- Easier navigation with a cancel button.
- Stage Info: Boss statistics shown for stages and Infinite Mode.
- Unit Collection: Added rarity filters and stat displays via hover.
- Miscellaneous:
- New settings for disabling visual effects, unit traits, and Depth of Field.
- "Claim All" and "Select All Rares/Epics/Legendaries" buttons added.
- DPS stats displayed in unit and summon views.
- Blossom's Medical Chakra now reduces status ailment duration and removes debuffs.
- Infinite Mode scaling adjusted for greater difficulty in later stages.
- Boss Changes: Shield Statue's overshield health reduced to 25%.
- Paragon Mode adjustments:
- New cards added (e.g., Quake, Immunity, Champions, Dodge).
- Reworked existing cards for better scaling.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed UI issues in Profile, Stat Reroll, Raid Shop, and other interfaces.
- Corrected damage indicators, unit traits, and stage info bugs.
- Optimized FPS and networking performance for Infinite Mode and large matches.
Demon Slayer (0.5) - Sep 21 2024
- New Raid Gamemode: Venture into the Spider Forest, defeat powerful enemies, and collect the exclusive Renguko unit. Earn valuable Red Webs to spend on upgrades and items.
- New Raid Shop: Spend Red Webs on Evolution Items, Trait Rerolls, and more.
Boss Rush Event
- New Boss Event: Face Igros, The Blood-Red Commander, in an exclusive Traitless mode (14-day event).
- New Boss Shop: Earn Commander Tokens in the Boss Event and use them on Trait Rerolls, Stat Rerolls, an exclusive Igros Emote, and more.
- 6 New Units:
- Renguko
- Akazo
- Tengen
- Kaneo Takarada
- Bean
- Blossom
- 3 New Evolutions:
- Renguko (Purgatory)
- Tengen (Flashiness)
- Akazo (Destructive)
- 2 New Achievement Categories & a Title:
- Behold, my Arachnid Exterminator!
- Battle Against an Elite Knight
- Blood-Red Commander (Title)
- New Stage Info UI: View current rewards, modifiers, and more in-game.
- Auto Ability: Units with abilities now have an “On” switch to automatically activate when ready.
- Unit Manager UI Revamp: Includes dedicated Upgrade and Sell buttons, plus improved animations.
- Trophy Shop: Purchase Profile Backgrounds using Trophies from the Boss Event.
- New Emotes:
- California Gurls
- Blood-Red Commander
Profiles Overhaul
- Choose any unit from your inventory as your Profile Avatar.
- Customize profile backgrounds/banners using Trophies from the Boss Rush Event.
- View your current Leaderboard standings directly from your profile.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed summons dealing repeated damage to shielded enemies.
- Corrected passive multipliers not showing accurately on the upgrade UI.
- Adjusted Stun time on Sosuke (Storm) from 1 second to 2 seconds.
- Fixed global-cooldown skills not displaying for other players once used.
- Added new ability icons for Song Jinwu and Alocard.
- Corrected final upgrade stats for Igros (Elite Knight) and Obita (Awakened) where they were higher or incorrect.
Release (0.0) - Sep 8 2024
Game released.